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        How to add my album on JokkoText ?


        How to add my album on JokkoText ?

        Par Momoshady 29568

        To add your album, you must:

         - First register on the website.  .

          - Click on the option "Add Music" at the top right of the page.


        You will be redirected to the music uploading page.

        Click on the disc and fill in the details of your album.



        After creation of the album, you will be able to add the tracks one by one on the option "Add Music" by choosing the option "Single". When you specify the album of the single, the single will be added directly to the album.

        After adding all the details and tracks of the album, you will have to click on the "Send" icon.


        The album will be submitted to us for validation.


        When the album will be validated the whole album will be automatically collected and made available for sale in full zip format.
